JJ Crafts


It's time for another cross stitch update. Three weeks since I last shared with you and ….. I've got nothing! Oops Life here has been so hectic. Last time I was just back from lanzarote having looked at houses. This time I am back in lanzarote to fill out paperwork that is only semi to… Continue reading Stitchalong

JJ Crafts

Latin Quote Cross Stitch Update (sal)

It's been three weeks since I shared my cross stitch with you (how? Time is moving too fast!) I've been on holiday so I didn't think I'd have much progress to share with you but I did rather strategicly decide to do the small gold lettering so it LOOKS like I did lots! Here's where… Continue reading Latin Quote Cross Stitch Update (sal)

JJ Crafts

A stumbling of Blankets

I mentioned in my last post about crochet that I'd started another blanket from the yarn I received from Christmas but not everything went as smoothly as planned. First off I'm doing a crochet entrelac blanket vaguely using this pattern off ravelry. I chained a different number of stitches, am doing a different number of… Continue reading A stumbling of Blankets

JJ Crafts

Latin Cross Stitch Quote (SAL)

It's that time again where I share the progress I've made on my cross stitch project. Here's where it was last time when I'd just started: And here is where I am now: Not a lot of stitching but because it's such a simple design it looks like progress haha. You have a full word… Continue reading Latin Cross Stitch Quote (SAL)

JJ Crafts

First Finish of the Year

I'm starting the year off with a finish and no, it's neither of the blankets I was working on last time I shared my crochet projects. Whoops! Instead I started a new blanket from the yarn I received from Christmas because it was new and exciting.  My initial idea actually didn't work as the yarn… Continue reading First Finish of the Year

JJ Crafts

New Year, New Project (SAL)

It's a new year, and with finally finishing the stitching on my Christmas project (which no, I haven't finished up properly yet), it's also time for a new project. I've only just got this started and is going to be a really simple design. A Latin quote, big letters, nothing fancy except I'm stitching it… Continue reading New Year, New Project (SAL)

JJ Crafts

Christmas is Here!! (SAL)

I finished it! I have a very Christmassy happy dance to share with you all! The final bells are in place and the fabric has been unrolled. Here is my Christmas cross stitch all finished: By all finished I obviously just mean the stitching. It has not been made into a wall hanging yet. Too… Continue reading Christmas is Here!! (SAL)

JJ Crafts

Christmas is coming too fast (SAL)

We're getting so close to Christmas and unfortunately I've run out of time to have my Christmas project finished even though I've made a lot of progress. Here is where I was up to last time I showed you my cross stitch This time around I've managed to finish all the baubles, strings AND the… Continue reading Christmas is coming too fast (SAL)

JJ Crafts

Crochet Blankets Galore

Okay so, galore may be over stating things a bit. Two. There are two crochet blankets in this post. Neither of which is technically finished. But it has ignited my love for crochet blankets and there are easily another three blankets that I now want to make. But I'll save that post for a very… Continue reading Crochet Blankets Galore

JJ Crafts

Christmas Cross Stitch

Progress has been made on my Christmas cross stitch. Lots of it, Too bad I don't have a way to add another month in before Christmas because it might have actually been done in time but alas. Here's where I was after the last update three weeks ago: I'd just started on that first big… Continue reading Christmas Cross Stitch