
Cyxus Blue Light Filter Glasses – Review

I don't think anyone would argue that looking at screens all day isn't so good for our eyes. For me this is amplified by my illness. Bright lights are difficult for me and within about ten minutes of looking at my phone screen (on the lowest brightness setting) I start to get a headache. Last… Continue reading Cyxus Blue Light Filter Glasses – Review

JJ Writes, writing

NaNoWriMo – How Did I Do?

Nanowrimo is over! I can finally get back to life! Okay, so I actually stopped with about five days left so I've been back to real life for almost a week now but it's so weird waking up and having to decide what to do today rather than just - write! So how did my… Continue reading NaNoWriMo – How Did I Do?

JJ Crafts, Personal

Pinterest convinced me baking would be easy….

I should preface this by saying I never bake. I don't do anything in the kitchen other than make myself a bowl of cereal. But the other week I happened to see one of those short videos on pinterest of someone making pastries where they make everything look super easy and very pretty. And I… Continue reading Pinterest convinced me baking would be easy….

illness, Personal

Personality or Circumstance? (The one where I take the same test twice)

I was reading through the blogs on my dash the other day, as you do, and Sarah over at A Life Less Physical had a very interesting post about changes due to chronic illness (click on the linky to go read it). Her post was about taking a test that determined the best work situation… Continue reading Personality or Circumstance? (The one where I take the same test twice)


Summer Holidays Mean Family Fun

I know I pretty much say this every month but I can't believe its August already! With it being August comes the summer holidays which are a perfect opportunity for family to visit. They'll all be arriving this weekend, my brother just for a couple of days but everyone else for the week. I'm really… Continue reading Summer Holidays Mean Family Fun

illness, Personal

Top 5 Tips for Holidays whilst ill

I'm currently on holiday (WOO!) and thought this would be a great opportunity to share some tips for traveling when Chronically ill as I know this can be a pretty daunting thing to even think about. I mean where do you even start and what happens if you have a flare/crash/massive spike in symptoms while… Continue reading Top 5 Tips for Holidays whilst ill

card making, crochet, cross stitch, illness, JJ Crafts, JJ Reads, Personal, sewing

Looking Backward

This is first half of my Looking Forward, Looking Backwards posts. The one focusing on the coming year will be up in a couple of days but for now, this is a look back at how 2016 was for me (hint= really quite good). This might be quite a long post as I think this might… Continue reading Looking Backward


Merry Christmas Everybody!

This is my last post before Christmas and I just wanted to say to all of my followers: MERRY CHRISTMAS! Whether you celebrate it or not, I hope you all have a lovely day. We have a very quiet Christmas planned. Just my parents and me. Lots of yummy food to be eaten and a… Continue reading Merry Christmas Everybody!

crochet, Personal

August wrap up

I don't normally do monthly wrap up posts as, honestly, not enough happens in my life to warrant them. But August was a very busy month for me so here we are. We had three lots of visitors around this month. It's not so easy for family to visit anymore as we are a (rather… Continue reading August wrap up


The Move – One Year On

It's officially been a whole year since we upped sticks and made the move from our house in East London to our ground floor flat in Guernsey (Okay, so it's actually been more like one year and four days but I've been ill). I'm not sure I can explain just how much my life has… Continue reading The Move – One Year On