JJ Crafts

Golden Stitching (SAL)

After all that testing last time I finally got back to some real stitching and I have to say I am soooo happy with how the gold looks on the project.

I chose to use the Kreinik #4 braid in the end (Japan Gold) as it just looked the best to me. It is the most expensive of the ones I tested (typical!) and I had to buy quite a few lots of it as I’m sure it’ll get used up quickly.

Photo 07-09-2018, 2 53 33 pm

But so far it is looking so worth it. It’s always nervewracking to see if the colours work when I’ve designed my own pattern and after all that white stitching I’m just so happy with how it looks. I started back down the bottom and will work my way up. I had enough of stitching bells after last time!

Photo 03-09-2018, 5 39 01 pm

It’s really difficult to show you just how shiny and pretty the gold stitching is (if i do say so myself). But just take my word for it! I especially love how the antlers look. I’m also giving you a closer look because the small dots of gold on the borders for the berries and such don’t really show up well…..

Photo 03-09-2018, 5 39 41 pm

I’m so glad it looks nice, Phew!!!

In other good news, the thread/knot really doesn’t catch much like it did when I was testing. I’m not sure why but it hasn’t been an issue. My guess is maybe because I’ve been working with the fabric so long (MONTHS!) that it’s relaxed more than the tester piece. I am having to use a folded piece of paper to thread the needle every time though as there’s no way i can hand thread the kreinik!

Here’s the links to everyone else taking part in the three-weekly stitchalong:

Avis // Claire // Gun // Carole // LucyAnn// Kate // Sue // Constanze // Debbierose // Christina // Kathy // Margaret // Cindy // Helen // Steph // Linda // Heidi // Jackie // Sunny // Hayley // Tony // Megan // Catherine // Connie

We post updates to whichever projects we’re working on and there are some great projects to look through.

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31 thoughts on “Golden Stitching (SAL)”

  1. It looks gorgeous! Yes, Kreinik metallics are the most expensive, but they are also the ones that give some really beautiful results that are sometimes superior to other threads. You were smart to buy several spools. I’ve learned the hard way that it is often necessary, as I’ve run out on a project and had search high and low for another spool of the same color. The plus side is that you only have to use one strand at a time.

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    1. I bought them online and haven’t had an issue with them running out but it’s always best to buy a bunch because paying postage everytime I need a new one makes it even more expensive!

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